You can join Kernow Pétanque either as a member of one of the affiliated clubs [see Pétanque clubs page] or as an independent member, not linked to a specific club.

As a member of Kernow Pétanque you are eligible to take part in the Cornwall region’s competitions, plus coaching and practice sessions. You are also eligible for selection to play for the region in inter-regional and other events. Additionally, you may take part in contests organised by the national body, Pétanque England, which also provides insurance cover for all members.
You can join Kernow Pétanque online via the Pétanque England website – How to Join
Alternatively, contact the Kernow Membership Secretary via our Contact us page. The current annual subscription is £32, of which £25 goes to Pétanque England and £7 to Kernow Pétanque.
The Junior subscription is £5
Individual clubs may also make a small annual membership charge.